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Useful Links

We have put together some links that you might find useful.  If there are any other links that you use and would like to see included in this list please contact us.


Juvenile arthritis specific sites:


CCAA (Childrens Chronic Arthritis Association)

CCAA is a national charity run by parents and professionals to provide help and information for children with arthritis, their families and professionals involve in their care.

Tel: 01905 745 595



BSPAR (British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology)

BSPAR is a specialist society linked to the RCPCH (Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health), with membership open to all health care professionals involved in the care of children and adolescents by Paediatric Rheumatology departments. BSPAR aims to advance paediatric rheumatology care in the UK and Ireland.


SNAC (Scottish Network for Arthritis in Children)

The aim of SNAC is to provide a national support network for children with arthritis and their families through the provision of factual, practical and emotional support.  It aims to pull together the wider community of affected children in Scotland as well as raise public awareness of childhood arthritis.

Tel: 07504 609 510




JIA@NRAS aims to provide information and support for people affected by juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), their families, friends and carers, as well as health professionals.  Part of the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society.

Tel:  0845 458 3969


General Arthritis and Rheumatology sites:


Versus Arthritis 

Charity number - 207711

Copeman House, St Marys Court, St Marys Gate, Chesterfield, S41 7TD

Main number – 0300 790 0400

Email - Helpline – 0800 520 0520 (opening hours 9am – 6pm Mon-Fri.) Email -



National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society provides support and information for people with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, their families, friends and carers, and health professionals with an interest in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Tel:  0800 298 7650


Arthritis Foundation

Arthritis Foundation is an American organisation that helps people take control of arthritis by providing public health education.


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