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  • Kate

Kate's Story about fundraising for KLU

At first, when I was little I kept asking my Nan (Irene) why her hands were different to mine.

When I was a bit older I found out a bit more about what arthritis was and my Nan told me about the children that have it and I felt sorry for them and wanted to help.

At school we had a charity day nomination time and that was the moment I decided to nominate Kids Like Us and do a slideshow about what I knew about Kids Like Us. Thankfully my slideshow worked and Kids Like Us got chosen as our charity. The second I got home I told my Nan and she was extremelyhappy and proud of me.

The charity day started with my Nan giving a speech and then my friends and I asked her questions about the charity. The fundraising part was that St Margaret's (my house that was doing the charity day) took over the school hall for a day by doing things like:

  • Guess the age of the penguin

  • Tombola

  • Penguin Tombola

  • Raffle

  • Sweets

  • Stationary

  • Mother's Day gifts

After a whole day we were still going and raising money. We sold the left-over prizes and made the parents tea and coffee with cakes or biscuits. In the end we raised £1,540, which we were all very pleased about.

Written by Kate (Irene's granddaughter)

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